4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out


If you’re as busy as most people in business, chances are you haven’t looked at your website in a while – and it is probably ready for a revamp. There are so many things you can do in terms of designing a website now, and it might be a bit daunting to be faced with so many options. However, if you stick to a couple of key points, you will be able to create a website that will stand out in a sea of other websites that might be advertising similar products or services.


And 75% of people base a company’s credibility on its websites. So as you can see it’s super important your website be the best it can. That’s why in this article I’m going to go over 7 ways to make your website stand out from the crowd. Use high-quality images. Images are one of the most important visual aspects on your website. 4 easy ways to make your IR site stand out You’ll catch us saying this a lot at Blender: Investor Relations is a form of communication, which means it’s a form of marketing. We say it all the time because we feel it’s a crucial point to understand in order to have success with your digital IR channels.

1. Colour

Colour is an important component of aesthetics, and different colours can evoke different kinds of emotions. For example, green is commonly associated with wealth and tranquility, black is often used to promote luxury products, and red creates urgency and energy in prospective customers. Some colours also do not look particularly good when they are matched with others, so make sure you use a colour wheel or try out different colour combinations until you are satisfied.

4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out Like

2. Quality Images

High-resolution images are a good way to draw users to your website. Images are much more engaging than walls of text, so try to use the least amount of words possible to convey your message. The content of your images is also extremely important. Find something that fits with your company’s brand and personality, and then go from there.

4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out

3. Accessibility

You want your website to be as accessible as possible on as many platforms as possible. It is becoming more and more common to look things up on your phone or tablet, so make sure your website works no matter where you are. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you might be missing out on a lot of potential traffic, as people usually don’t like to try and zoom in on a regular website when they’re looking for information on their phones.

4. Easy Navigation

Always keep your prospective customer or user in mind when you are designing or redesigning your website. The easier your website is to navigate, the more comfortable they will be when they use it. Conversely, if it is complicated and difficult to navigate, they will be more likely to give up and look elsewhere.


Website design can sometimes get awfully confusing, especially if you are trying it out for the first time on your own. There are plenty of tutorials and tips online that you can use, and these can be extremely helpful. If you don’t want to build a website from scratch, there are also a huge number of templates you can work off until you feel a little more confident in your skills. However, if you think your website might need some professional help, specialists in website design such as 4040 Creative can work with you to build the best website according to your specifications.

What makes a website stand out for you? Can you think of any examples of websites that you have really engaged with and been interested in? Alternatively, what makes you turn away from a website? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Ways to Make Your Website Design Stand Out

Website Design: This is the first of a five-part series on ways to design your website so it stands out from your competition.

Most corporate websites you come across these days have fallen into a very standardized look. (1.) Header for corporate logo and branding message or photo gallery. (2.) A Site Navigation that falls above or below the Branded Header, with lots of sub-pages. (3.) A single- to three-column vertical layout. (4.) To finish it off, a footer navigation that either just repeats the Nav Bar or crams everything about the company in there.

Now I won’t discredit what works, and it’s great if you have a website and it looks good. But any company out there, in any category, is going to have lots of local competitors and tons of online national competition as well. As a brand manager, you need to take a look at what will make you stand out from everyone else while giving the end user an easy and fun experience. Below are two ways that you can create wireframes for the overall layout of your website to work a little differently.

4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out As A

Horizonal Scroll: On most websites, as more information piles up, you stack the content vertically and let the user vertically scroll down the page to read everything. Another way to approach your main content overflow is to have things read left to right. Take the X-Games website for example. The top Action Sports Competitions website organizes the homepage and all subpage categories into single pagesize sections and has the user scroll from left to right between a page’s subsections. The non-traditional navigation is easily figured out by prominently displaying left and right arrows on each side of the page and a Gallery Marker on the bottom of each page.

4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out For A

4 ways to make your website stand out like

Another good example of horizontal scroll is the micro-site “Brooks Shoe Advisor.” Brooks Shoes has you answer a series of six questions to help you decide which shoe is best for you. With bright graphics and a humorous tone, they guide you to a final purchase decision and control how much you see by not allowing you to skip ahead until they give the appropriate information. Parts of a computer hand in:mr. macs virtual existence.

Single-page websites: The Brooks micro-site is also a good example of a single-page website, where the entire content of the site is on one page and you use jump links to get between the sections. Another good example of a single-page site is the web design manifesto website “Contrast Rebellion.” By clicking on the single button on each slide or pressing the space bar, the site will vertically scroll down to the next section. For small companies or spin-off websites this is a way to stand out from the competition and control the pace that the user reads through site’s content.

4 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out At Work

However you do organize the content for your website and shape the overall design, you need to research your competition and decide how you can stand out from the pack in a way that also makes the end user experience the easiest and most effective.