5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts

How To Write Better Blog Posts

Write about a topic you know well, use a proven blog post structure, and you can create good, useful blog posts fast. Fast-blogging is work. Slow-blogging is a creative luxury. Although some people choose an engaging headline after writing a blog post, it is best to have an effective headline. You can make changes later. Remember, you have just started. Nothing is set in stone, but it is better to have a solid starting point. A good practice is to write a few headlines and then choose the most interesting headline. In this article, we’ll share 7 tips that will help you write a blog post that converts. You see, most people that visit your blog post usually leave without reading it all the way through. And the worst part is that an even larger percentage of people who see your blog post whichever social media platforms you use never even click on it. How To Write Better Blog Posts 1. Eye-Catching, Search-Stopping, Click-Magnet Headline. The first thing your readers encounter, before they ever make. Effective Design. The greatest content in the world will simply not get read if it’s unappealing to the eye.

Do your blog posts stink? Maybe they’re just the opposite, and they are incredible pieces of online content. Chances are, they are somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.

Writing a better blog post will demonstrate that you’re an authority in your niche or industry who really knows what you are talking about. It can also show that you have the skills and experience to create quality products. Blogs are usually less formal in tone than the text on business websites, giving business owners an opportunity to really connect with their target markets.

5 ways to write better blog posts for beginners

So, what makes a good blog, rather than run-of-the-mill or average one? You can create better blog posts that are memorable, valuable and shareable when you include these 5 elements.

5 Effective Ways To Writing Better Blog Posts

1. Eye-Catching, Search-Stopping, Click-Magnet Headline

The first thing your readers encounter, before they ever make it to your blog, is the headline or title of your post. They stumble across this when they are surfing the web. It’s competing against other search results and needs to be memorable. It should also stop a web surfer dead in his or her tracks. Your headline should make a promise and draw an image or picture in your prospect’s mind. State a fact or ask a question.

Are your competitors’ blog posts better than yours?

Start off with “How To …” or “The Top 10 …”, a couple reliable headline starters. Be controversial and edgy, make a huge, massive claim (only if you can back it up) and appeal to emotions and desire.

You may not be trying to sell anything in your blog post. It may simply be an informative resource or a funny story. Regardless, the importance of your headline can’t be understated. You worked very hard on your blog post content. Make sure it gets read, by fashioning a headline that begs to be clicked.

2. Effective Design

The greatest content in the world will simply not get read if it’s unappealing to the eye. You need to lay out your post as if you were an interior decorator, with a place for everything, and everything in its place. To start creating better blog posts, include the following:

Sub-Headers Like This One

Sub-headings make your blog content scannable. It allows your reader to first scan the page to find blocks of content he or she wants to read. You should also include …

Bullet Points

  • Bulleted lists are easy to read
  • They should be short
  • You want them enticing (not like these)
  • And they need to spell out benefits

Your sentences and paragraphs should be short and to the point. Remove all fluff. If a sentence can work without one or two words, take them out. Make sure your paragraphs are of different lengths and sizes. Align your content to your left, and don’t let pictures, charts and graphics break up the left-hand alignment. When reading, the eye should be able to travel smoothly down the left side of the page to start each sentence and paragraph, without being interrupted.

3. Images

Text with video and images does a better job of engaging your audience than text alone. Blog posts are also much more likely to get shared on social media and emailed to friends when there is some type of graphical presence on the page.

Another reason why better blog posts always have some type of pictures or videos is that they’re good for reiterating something you just said. Sometimes explaining a process can be difficult. However, when you add a video, a photograph or picture that shows very specifically just what you’ve written, it improves your reader’s level of understanding.

Images are also a great way to break up the monotony of a long blog post full of text. It helps your reader’s eyes scan the page when they first encounter your post, so they can quickly discern if they are interested. Videos and pictures are also excellent tools for adding your personal flavour to your blog posts and search engines look upon them favourably.

4. Make Them Easy to Share

Before social media, you published your blog post and linked to it in forums and chat rooms. You tried to take care of SEO and meta-tags to help drive free traffic. You may have even purchased traffic. Today, all of those practices make a lot of sense, and you should be using them. However, the massive power of social media means you absolutely must be on board this free traffic provider.

Yes, it does take time to create social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and all the other social media networks worth your time. One way to simplify your blog post integration with social media is to allow your readers and followers to do all the hard work for you. Every blogging platform has Social Share Plugins that require no coding or HTML expertise and display prominently at the start and end of every blog post. With a single click your readers can share valuable blog posts with their favourite social networks.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts

5. A Strong Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is simply that. You’re telling your reader what to do, what action to take, what they should logically do next if they have read your blog post. This should be located at the end of your post.

However, your call to action should also be mentioned throughout your content. Be reasonable here. If you compose a short 350 word post, you don’t want 5 different places where your call to action is displayed.

The alternative is true. If you create an epic blog post of 2,000 words that is getting a lot of traffic, it doesn’t make sense to have a single call to action listed only at the end of your content. Remember to make your call to action short, simple and to the point. Use as few words as possible, and tell your readers exactly what to do.

Free Checklist: How To Become A Better Blog Writer In 21 Days

A blog is essentially a relationship-building tool. Your target market could find your blog through search engines or links, read it, and decide to see what your business has to offer. It could give them the push they need to become paying customers. When you know how to write an engaging blog it becomes a valuable asset to your online business. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog for 21 better blogging tips that you can put into action each day to write better blog posts and achieve the results you want.

Writing titles for blog posts is hard because it requires a different type of thinking than you use for general writing.

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When you finish writing an article, you understand the topic you’ve just written about at a deeper level than ever before. You’ve just spent hours/days/weeks organizing your thoughts into words. You can speak eloquently on the topic.

To come up with a good title for that piece, however, you need to find a framing of the topic that will make sense and interest someone who knows none of what you now know. You have to think like a complete beginner—go back in time to before you understood everything you understand now.

One of the best ways to go back in time is to use a collection of mental models to put yourself in a different frame of mind. With the right mental toolset, you can help your brain snap out of “expert mode” and into that fruitful beginner mode much faster.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts For A

1. Help Your Readers Get Promoted

Your readers have needs. They want raises and promotions. They want to look good at work. Great title-writers take advantage of those needs without being manipulative or condescending to their reader.

The top headlines from a site like Inc. are a good example of how far this can be taken if your #1 goal is to drive clicks. Almost every article on Inc. plays on some volatile cocktail of emotions, whether it's:

  • laziness (the desire to get more with less effort),
  • self-righteousness (the desire to get what we feel we truly deserve), or
  • schadenfreude (and the desire for others to get what they deserve).

Relying strictly on this kind of emotional manipulation is unlikely to be appropriate if you're creating content for, say, a video marketing product.

That doesn't mean you can't address a work-related emotional need more relevant to your customer base, the way Wistia does, for example, with a post like Look Great in your Next Webcam Video.

People want to look good to their bosses, be better at their jobs and be recognized. They want to look good on camera and sound more confident on sales calls. They want to get more done in less time, have better relationships with their coworkers and be less distracted.

Frame your piece of content around the 'need' it's addressing, and your titles will be crisper, more relevant and more effective.

This holds even if you're writing about something as technical and specific as using behavioral cohorts in your product analytics strategy. The #1 goal for most PMs is figuring out how to retain users. That's the need that occupies most of their time at work. It makes sense to help them with content and to make it clear in the title just how vital your advice is:

The writing process here is relatively simple.

Figure out what desirable result your piece of content is going to help readers achieve or what emotional fulfillment it's going to deliver. Then orient your title around that.

If it's not helping anyone in your specific audience get better at something they want to get better at, what's the point of writing it?

2. Reverse Everyday Expectations

Counterintuitive titles make us click because they present the world in a way we don't expect. We click because we're curious about how this new worldview works.

The key to a counterintuitive title is really understanding your space. You have to understand what unstated assumptions guide the plurality's thinking. Then you have to know, very specifically, how to frame a contrarian take.

Opting to 'go slow' when your competition 'accelerates,' for example, goes so against the conventional ideas we have about startup competition—most of which are informed by the logic of venture capital and fast growth—that you feel compelled to click just to figure out the argument the author, Chris Savage, is making.

Put yourself in your reader's shoes. Ask, 'Why would this article be interesting to read for me?' Use that to find your angle.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts

3. Show Your Work in the Title

Some articles are easy to write titles for. All you have to do is own the actual value you're delivering and be slightly immodest about showing it off.

Sometimes, demonstrating the value that you're delivering to the reader means making explicit the work that went into producing the piece of content. You can study a bevy of post-welcome email examples for an article about what makes a great post-welcome email and then call it, '10 Tips for a Better Post-Welcome Email,' but—assuming you actually put some effort into your analysis—this is a dramatic undersell.

Calling it 'Lessons from an Epic Analysis of 50 Welcome Emails,' on the other hand, makes me feel like I am getting the result of some serious thinking and study on the subject of post-welcome emails. It makes me feel like I'm going to get something of real value, and that makes me want to click.

'Showing your work in the title' like this can be a powerful way to reset your title when you feel like you've put a lot of work into your content and it's just not coming through in the title.

Try retracing your steps to find a process-based title you can put on your piece instead.

4. Mine the Specific for Universal Truths

With workaday SaaS content, there may not be an obvious counterintuitive or effort-based angle that you put to work in the title.

In these situations, the best thing to do is just take the most obvious title you can possibly imagine for your piece and turn the screw a few rotations in your mind. Try to find the most explicit embodiment of your piece, then go a few steps further, find something more specific to pull out, and see what happens.

First, imagine you title your post on Facebook ads '8 Psychological Tips for Making Your Facebook Ads More Powerful.'


It has the basic cadence of a title. It's not blowing anyone away, and it sounds fairly generic, but it gets at the point of the article in a clear way.

If you go deeper, though, you can look for things that do make your article different from others like it. Are there points made that stand out? Are there novel bits of your article that could make the title work better? Or could you include a learning in the title itself?

Often, it's those specific details that make a piece interesting to a wide audience — not the more general, generic formulation. We always find the universal in the specific, not in the outwardly universal, and you can use the same phenomenon in your blog post titles to make your content more interesting.

5. Get Out of the Story's Way

Sometimes a number (like a conversion rate) or a name (like Amazon) is the real story behind what you're writing, and your job as a title-writer is mainly to get out of the way.

Make yourself scarce. Allow the title to speak for itself.

This is a great way to go because generally, the easiest way to make whatever you're writing about interesting is to appeal to remarkable numbers ('How One Line of Code Increased our Conversion Rate 25%') and remarkable names ('Why Amazon's Best Managers Aren't The Ones Who Went to Ivy League Schools').

Numbers and names give us something powerful to hang our arguments on: proof.

More importantly, they make us curious about:

  • how particular people accomplished remarkable things
  • how remarkable people do particular things

If you can mention the percentage point improvement that a decision resulted in, or the name of a major company, you almost always should.

It's not always necessary to pull out a perfect percentage point number, either. Just evoking the quantitative aspect of your story can be an effective way to leverage that love of proof.

We might not care that Booking.com does a lot of A/B tests because if we know anything about A/B tests, we know that a lot of companies do a lot of A/B tests.

When we're given the precise figure, on the other hand, we get a perspective on the scale of the situation, and that's a story. Nothing about the actual article needs to have changed, but readers are far more interested to know how this presumably massive testing suite could possibly work.

It works similarly with the names of prominent companies that, depending on where you're writing, people inherently care about.

When you write a post about how Amazon or another major company does something — especially if it goes against the way we think — people will be interested before you even put any effort in.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts Wordpress

It's the perfect way of letting your article ride off the inherent curiosity we have about how the biggest and best companies do things differently.

You shouldn't, however, namedrop for the sake of namedropping.

The reason that 'Why Amazon's Best Managers Aren't The Ones Who Went to Ivy League Schools' would work as a title isn't just that it mentions Amazon. It's that it uses the idea of Amazon to play upon one of our strongest emotional biases: undeserved privilege.

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts For Beginners

Why Writers Should Think About Titles

5 Ways To Write Better Blog Posts Post

5 ways to write better blog posts wordpress

It would be a mistake for writers to leave the work of coming up with and picking a title solely to their editors.

Picking a title is just as much an exercise in thinking about distribution and framing as it is an exercise in thinking about what is truly interesting about your post.

Whatever tactic you choose, in the end, this is what coming up with a title is about: finding the perspective, angle, frame, or simple combination of words that makes the prospect of reading your article interesting to someone who 1) knows nothing about it and 2) has no obligation whatsoever to read it.