Oh, Deer!

Oh, Deer!

Hey look, it’s Oh, Deer! This is a video game about drifting your station wagon along the Perfect Line to Grandma’s House. Is it a metaphor for the futility of human existence? Is it a militant vegan parable? Maxim. Is it a crass advertisement for family automobiles? Let the mystery unfold before you.

Oh, Deer!

This is a Beta version of a bigger game we want to finish, but right now you can invest in our future by buying the beta! The beta has one main mode with 5 miles of track, and a survival mode which is infinitely different and replayable! Wahoo! In the future, final game, the more deer you hit, the more dark and disturbing the graphics will get. The more you avoid, the lighter and fluffier it'll get! Weird! But right now, only the music does that.

Speaking of which! Did you know that Motohiro Kawashima made our soundtrack? If his name doesn’t ring a bell, have yourself a listen-see to this song right here. Turn it up and try not to void your bowels. That’s Streets of Rage 3! The best Streets of Rage that ever there was! Kawashima did the music for it, and Oh, Deer! is the first game he's been lead composer on since then! Crazy!

Game Directions 1. Mark two parallel lines on the ground 10 to 20 yards a part. Ask students to count off in fours. The ones become the “deer” and line up behind one line with their backs to the other students. A Lavaca County game warden was on patrol when they heard a rifle shot come from an area where they had previously seen deer hunting violations. When they went to investigate, the warden. 50% Off Jewel + The Gang LIMITED TIME OFFER Jan 21, 2021. PAPERGANG JANUARY - ORIGAMI FUN! Sock Draw - Design Submission Dec 16, 2020.

Oh, Deer!

What the heck, why not listen to him performing a live mix of a bunch of the music? I think we can all agree you’ve earned it. But yeah! Oh, Deer! is a video game. Hit all the deer or avoid all the deer! I can't tell you how to live your life! Honk honk!!



Oh Deer Game

Oh deer christmas is here

Oh Deer Martha's Vineyard

  • Smooth driving.
  • Crazy drifting.
  • Offline leaderboards.
  • Survival mode.
  • Hot tunes.
  • Blasterly sprites.
  • Mad amounts of deer.
  • Turning left.
  • Turning right.